Mocha ae stabilize
Mocha ae stabilize

mocha ae stabilize

Once we've stabilized the shot we then nested this composition into a second comp, I'll make sure the composition windows forward and tap the Shift key to open the Comp Mini-Flowchart, click on my next composition in line, I've nested stabilization into mask and here I can mask the stabilized footage. First we stabilized the overall video shot and you maybe familiar with this from earlier in this lesson. What we did is we broke up the stabilization and masking into two separate comps.

mocha ae stabilize

Down in the Quizzler Solutions folder here's one approach. Well, there is a couple different ways to solve it. If you masked the stabilized footage the Mask Outline would bounce around following the corrections created by the stabilization process. Our first challenge to you was how would you stabilize this video and then mask it in a way that the Mask Outline was also stable.

Mocha ae stabilize